Trump Administration Tells 200,000 Salvadorans To Leave Or Get Deported
(too old to reply)
2018-01-09 06:43:10 UTC
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'

On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?

Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?

2018-01-09 07:01:31 UTC
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
This is what you call another fine mess. It's due to failure of previous administrations. Most of those people came here 16 years ago, following an earthquake in El Salvador. We gave them temporary residence here,which was fine. In a couple years, that should have ended and they should have gone home when their country recovered from the disaster. Instead they were given extension after extension for 16 years. Now they have families, children who are US citizens, own homes. So, now what? What's the right and fair thing to do? It seems to me that in cases like this, when the govt has screwed up for decades, allowed them to become established here, if they are law abiding and productive, it takes a real cold, mean man with no empathy to now deport them. And at the same time Trump will probably tell you he "loves" them, just like he says he loves DACA people, while royally screwing them.
2018-01-09 07:16:38 UTC
Post by trader_4
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
This is what you call another fine mess. It's due to failure of previous administrations. Most of those people came here 16 years ago, following an earthquake in El Salvador. We gave them temporary residence here,which was fine. In a couple years, that should have ended and they should have gone home when their country recovered from the disaster. Instead they were given extension after extension for 16 years. Now they have families, children who are US citizens, own homes. So, now what? What's the right and fair thing to do? It seems to me that in cases like this, when the govt has screwed up for decades, allowed them to become established here, if they are law abiding and productive, it takes a real cold, mean man with no empathy to now deport them. And at the same time Trump will probably tell you he "loves" them, just like he says he loves DACA people, while royally screwing them.
My first impression was that it seemed extremely heartless especially if
they weren't causing any problem. I admit to not knowing anything about
the issue, hence my query.
James Wilkinson Sword
2018-01-09 14:57:08 UTC
WASHINGTON =E2=80=95 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000=
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that=
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of=
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?

They're imposters, just like the thousands of Muslims we have polluting =
our country.

-- =

Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europ=
Dove Tail
2018-01-09 15:30:41 UTC
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?

It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.

Brown and black people are very unpopular with Trump and his
supporters. His supporters believe they are going to raise their
station in life by tearing down others.

Regardless of why the people are here, they are here and have made
lives and become a productive part of our communities.

I, and many others, wonder just how many cattle cars Trump will be
using to ship these people off? I also wonder if they are going to
collect these people in detainment camps (a.k.a. concentration camps)
prior to their deportation hearings.
James Wilkinson Sword
2018-01-09 15:39:17 UTC
WASHINGTON =E2=80=95 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,00=
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Brown and black people are very unpopular with Trump and his
supporters. His supporters believe they are going to raise their
station in life by tearing down others.
Regardless of why the people are here, they are here and have made
lives and become a productive part of our communities.
I, and many others, wonder just how many cattle cars Trump will be
using to ship these people off? I also wonder if they are going to
collect these people in detainment camps (a.k.a. concentration camps)
prior to their deportation hearings.
It might be fine in your larger country, but the UK is overflowing with =
people, all because we let in any old species.

-- =

Why are they called apartments, when they're all stuck together?
2018-01-09 18:31:01 UTC
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Trump is correcting a wrong that was mismanaged by previous administrations.
2018-01-09 18:50:09 UTC
Post by Muggles
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Trump is correcting a wrong that was mismanaged by previous administrations.
That's right. They were taken in as refugees from an earthquake until
things got settled. Dems hate to lose potential voters and are
squawking about Trump's inhumanity.
2018-01-09 21:09:08 UTC
Post by Muggles
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Trump is correcting a wrong that was mismanaged by previous
That's right.  They were taken in as refugees from an earthquake until
things got settled.  Dems hate to lose potential voters and are
squawking about Trump's inhumanity.
That's the problem. They shouldn't import voters. Why haven't any of
those people sought out becoming citizens?
2018-01-09 23:23:03 UTC
Post by Muggles
Post by Muggles
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Trump is correcting a wrong that was mismanaged by previous
That's right.  They were taken in as refugees from an earthquake until
things got settled.  Dems hate to lose potential voters and are
squawking about Trump's inhumanity.
That's the problem. They shouldn't import voters. Why haven't any of
those people sought out becoming citizens?
They haven't imported voters. These people are not eligible to vote.
This is just more nonsense from trumpets like you and Frank. BTW, what
happened to Trump and his big claim that there were 3 mil illegal votes
cast and he was gonna prove it? Like Trump's claim that he had sent
investigators to HI to prove that OBama was not born there and that we
would be amazed at what they had found, it was all BS. He disbanded
the illegal voter investigation last week.
2018-01-09 23:20:09 UTC
Post by Frank
Post by Muggles
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Trump is correcting a wrong that was mismanaged by previous administrations.
That's right. They were taken in as refugees from an earthquake until
things got settled. Dems hate to lose potential voters and are
squawking about Trump's inhumanity.
You don't see anything inhumane about leading these people on for 16 years,
continually renewing their stay, as the Americanized themselves, built
careers, bought homes, had childred who are now US citizens, and then
one day saying "now get out"? Your definition of being inhumane is
obviously different than mine.
Uncle Monster
2018-01-09 20:01:42 UTC
Post by Bod
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Brown and black people are very unpopular with Trump and his
supporters. His supporters believe they are going to raise their
station in life by tearing down others.
Regardless of why the people are here, they are here and have made
lives and become a productive part of our communities.
I, and many others, wonder just how many cattle cars Trump will be
using to ship these people off? I also wonder if they are going to
collect these people in detainment camps (a.k.a. concentration camps)
prior to their deportation hearings.
Hey Dove Anus, how many Salvadorans have you taken into your home and cared for? Oh yea, define "racist". My bet is that you're like most Hysterical Howling Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Moonbat Freak Politically Correct Trans Intellectual Anthropogenic Climate Chaos Weasel Obama Worshiping HITLERy Clinton Supporters and can't define the word. ^_^

[8~{} Uncle Observant Monster
James Wilkinson Sword
2018-01-09 20:26:11 UTC
WASHINGTON =E2=80=95 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,=
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more
that they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end=
of the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
It is a despicable, hateful action that is popular with the racist
Trump supporters, for the most part, they are those kinds of people.
Brown and black people are very unpopular with Trump and his
supporters. His supporters believe they are going to raise their
station in life by tearing down others.
Regardless of why the people are here, they are here and have made
lives and become a productive part of our communities.
I, and many others, wonder just how many cattle cars Trump will be
using to ship these people off? I also wonder if they are going to
collect these people in detainment camps (a.k.a. concentration camps)=
prior to their deportation hearings.
Hey Dove Anus, how many Salvadorans have you taken into your home and =
cared for? Oh yea, define "racist". My bet is that you're like most Hyst=
erical Howling Progressive Liberal Leftist Commiecrat Moonbat Freak Poli=
tically Correct Trans Intellectual Anthropogenic Climate Chaos Weasel Ob=
ama Worshiping HITLERy Clinton Supporters and can't define the word. ^_^=
[8~{} Uncle Observant Monster
Dove Anus is a nitwit that thinks anything that looks vaguely similar to=
a human should be classed as one. Countries have borders for a reason.=
We don't want that shit in here.

-- =

I came real close to seeing Elvis, then my shovel broke.
2018-01-09 17:33:10 UTC
Post by Bod
WASHINGTON ― 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?

All Salvadorians are not MS-13 but as Amalric said "Caedite eos. Novit
enim Dominus qui sunt eius.".

There are several nationalities that were eligible for Temporary
Protected Status.


To quote Wikipedia;

"In 1990, as part of the Immigration Act of 1990 ("IMMACT"), P.L.
101-649, Congress established a procedure by which the Attorney General
may provide temporary protected status to immigrants in the United
States who are temporarily unable to safely return to their home country
because of ongoing armed conflict, an environmental disaster, or other
extraordinary and temporary conditions.[2]"

Note the use of the word 'temporary'. The status for El Salvadorians
came from an earthquake in 2001:


It's time to go home, Pedro. And take the Haitians with you.
2018-01-09 18:57:07 UTC
Why is that a bad thing??

Word is the UK might take them.

"Bod" <***@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message news:***@mid.individual.net...
: WASHINGTON ? 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
: Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
: they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
: On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
: the stick here?
: Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
: --
: Bod
2018-01-10 01:00:27 UTC
Post by BurfordTJustice
WASHINGTON ? 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
Don't be an idiot. As many as ten (10) countries are affected. It
isn't about one place or Trump is a meanie bad guy to the rest of the

Do some research!
James Wilkinson Sword
2018-01-10 02:20:58 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by BurfordTJustice
WASHINGTON ? 'The Trump administration will tell about 200,000
Salvadorans who have been living in the U.S. for 17 years or more that
they need to get out by September 2019 or face deportation.'
On the face of it this seems very harsh or have I got the wrong end of
the stick here?
Are these Salvadorians known to be bad people or something?
Don't be an idiot. As many as ten (10)
Yes I think we know what "ten" means, you didn't have to put it in figures aswell.
Post by Oren
countries are affected. It
isn't about one place or Trump is a meanie bad guy to the rest of the
Do some research!
Would you like to join me in a drink?
Do you think we'll both fit?