How do you like your Muktuk?
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Mittens Romney
2024-10-09 14:41:14 UTC
I have city water so should have water and can shower, but my towel
warmer won't be working.
Typical DemoTard deficit of compassion and caring.

It's all about YOU - the chumps on lower ground can wave at Commie-La
when she helicopters by to destroy their distribution centers.



See new posts
Collin Rugg
NEW: Helicopter destroys Hurricane Helene recovery supplies in
Burnsville, North Carolina at a distribution site.

Locals say two black SUVs did a "slow roll" 45 minutes before the
helicopter showed up.

"This evening at approximately 7:18 in Burnsville, NC an unmarked
helicopter flew in and attempted to destroy the distribution area that
was set up by locals for locals while I was conducting a K9 Security
Round," megsbacn, a veteran volunteer said on TT.

"THIS WAS NOT ONE OF OUR HELOS! This was about 45 minutes after 2
unmarked black SUVS and a side-by-side did a slow roll at the entrance
of our parking lot and left."

"[The helicopter] was UNMARKED and it is illegal to fly unmarked
helicopters. But we know SF can and does and we know some private
contractors do (not sure of the legalities on that though)..."

"So who were they? Why were they here? Why were they masked up? I've
done plenty of helo ops with Coast Guard helos and I know a practiced
rotor wash when I see it and our pilots never masked up this way."
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Mittens Romney
2024-10-09 21:01:47 UTC
My cleaning lady will have to bring her own generator.
I think your fellow citizens who lose _everything_ will want to let you
know how they feel one day...

You worthless demotarded trshhead.
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Mittens Romney
2024-10-09 21:03:54 UTC
I'm also concerned about the dishwasher.Β  I have plenty of dishes, but
one the machine is filled, what do I do with the extras that will
Fucking choke to death on them, asshole!
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