Justin Turd-o
2025-01-06 11:15:02 UTC
Permalinkleader of the Liberal Party this week.
This decision would initiate a leadership race to replace him as prime minister.
Here at TGP, we’ve been warning you this day was fast approaching in posts like:
Trudeau on the Brink of Losing Power After NDP Moves to Call a No-Confidence Vote, Bring down His Minority Liberal Government and Trigger
Early Election
‘There’s No Alternative’: Over 50 MPs From His Own Liberal Party Call for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau To Step Down Before Opposition
Topples Him With No-Confidence Vote
Canadian Parliamentary Committee Will Convene Early January During Recess To Speed-up Vote of No-Confidence Expected to Defeat Liberal
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
THE END IS NEAR: Canada’s Justin Trudeau on the Brink as His Own Liberal Caucus Calls on Him to Resign
And while the upcoming Donald J. Trump arrival did play a part, Trudeau was ready to fall by himself, with the latest polling from Canada
suggesting his Liberal Party would win just six seats if an election were held today (and lose 154 seats!), while the Conservative Party would
win more than 240 (with 122 new seats).