Hunter Biden Changes Plea to Guilty Before Trial Begins
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2024-09-05 18:09:56 UTC
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.


Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-05 19:51:02 UTC
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
I don't care what the outcome is but the court system should not take a
year or more to do something with the cases. The judge should set a
time and place one time and get on with the trial. Same with the actual
trial. Give each side 2 days each to present their case and one day to
wrap it up and then send out the jury to make a decision.

Same with picking the jury. One day to do the picking. Mainly to ask if
you know the person or related to them, then if you have any feelings
about the case.
Clare Snyder
2024-09-05 20:38:05 UTC
On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 15:51:02 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
I don't care what the outcome is but the court system should not take a
year or more to do something with the cases. The judge should set a
time and place one time and get on with the trial. Same with the actual
trial. Give each side 2 days each to present their case and one day to
wrap it up and then send out the jury to make a decision.
Same with picking the jury. One day to do the picking. Mainly to ask if
you know the person or related to them, then if you have any feelings
about the case.
And treat Trump and his minions the same way.
2024-09-06 21:38:52 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
I don't care what the outcome is but the court system should not take a
year or more to do something with the cases. The judge should set a
time and place one time and get on with the trial. Same with the actual
trial. Give each side 2 days each to present their case and one day to
wrap it up and then send out the jury to make a decision.
Same with picking the jury. One day to do the picking. Mainly to ask if
you know the person or related to them, then if you have any feelings
about the case.
Gee Wiz Ralph, this was though of before:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State
and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which
district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to
be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory
process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

-- USC Amendment 6

And I totally agree with your. No speedy trial, it should be
thrown out.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-07 02:45:27 UTC
Post by T
Post by Ralph Mowery
I don't care what the outcome is but the court system should not take a
year or more to do something with the cases. The judge should set a
time and place one time and get on with the trial. Same with the actual
trial. Give each side 2 days each to present their case and one day to
wrap it up and then send out the jury to make a decision.
Same with picking the jury. One day to do the picking. Mainly to ask if
you know the person or related to them, then if you have any feelings
about the case.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State
and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which
district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to
be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory
process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
-- USC Amendment 6
And I totally agree with your. No speedy trial, it should be
thrown out.
I thought that there was a law like that for the right to a speedy trial
but many cases seem to drag on. Now Trump has been found guilty of a
crime and the judge is going wait to after the electionto give out a
verdic. I don't recall how long the Hunter Biden cases have been going
on. The OJ trial was more like a long TV miniseries. The lawyers on
both sides are the only winners with the money they make.
2024-09-07 02:49:18 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
Post by T
Post by Ralph Mowery
I don't care what the outcome is but the court system should not take a
year or more to do something with the cases. The judge should set a
time and place one time and get on with the trial. Same with the actual
trial. Give each side 2 days each to present their case and one day to
wrap it up and then send out the jury to make a decision.
Same with picking the jury. One day to do the picking. Mainly to ask if
you know the person or related to them, then if you have any feelings
about the case.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State
and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which
district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to
be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory
process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
-- USC Amendment 6
And I totally agree with your. No speedy trial, it should be
thrown out.
I thought that there was a law like that for the right to a speedy trial
but many cases seem to drag on. Now Trump has been found guilty of a
crime and the judge is going wait to after the electionto give out a
verdic. I don't recall how long the Hunter Biden cases have been going
on. The OJ trial was more like a long TV miniseries. The lawyers on
both sides are the only winners with the money they make.
And the J6'ers a still sitting in jail

I think you hit is on the head: follow the money
Clare Snyder
2024-09-05 20:42:34 UTC
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
How about charging trump for the same offenses - and giver them both
the same punishment. Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
2024-09-05 23:53:32 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Voting for Kamabla after Biden
is like changing your shirt because
you shit your pants .
2024-09-05 23:56:24 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
  Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Believes what his press tells him.
Ed P
2024-09-06 01:19:05 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
  Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Clare Snyder
2024-09-06 02:03:53 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
  Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Thanks Ed.
2024-09-06 02:55:06 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Post by Ed P
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
  Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Thanks Ed.
I didn't ask for a list of the lies the liberals used to try to
interfere with the election . Those charges were specious at best ,
designed only to inconvenience Trump . The lenders were all happy and
would have done more business with him . Don't piss on my head and tell
me it's rain .
Voting for Kamabla after Biden
is like changing your shirt because
you shit your pants .
Ed P
2024-09-06 03:26:33 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Post by Ed P
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
    Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Thanks Ed.
  I didn't ask for a list of the lies the liberals used to try to
interfere with the election . Those charges were specious at best ,
designed only to inconvenience Trump . The lenders were all happy and
would have done more business with him . Don't piss on my head and tell
me it's rain .
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
He finally admitted he lost the election.

2024-09-06 05:51:18 UTC
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'

Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
2024-09-06 06:31:02 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on 6 Sep 2024 05:51:18 GMT, rbowman
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.

What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-06 13:42:43 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, NONONOmisc07
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.

Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Bob F
2024-09-06 14:11:28 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Only the GOP cultists think like that last sentence. Why are threats and
assaults their solution so often these days.?
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-06 16:07:14 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Only the GOP cultists think like that last sentence. Why are threats and
assaults their solution so often these days.?
I did not mean physical threats, but political and leagal threats.
Similar to what is being done to Trump. They may say they will invoke
that artical where he is removed from office because he is not able to
carry ut the duties due to his mental state. Interisting to see what
hapens to Hunter. They may fine him some money but I almost bet he does
not go to jail. That may have beem part of the bargin.
2024-10-15 17:38:06 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:07:14 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
Post by Bob F
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Only the GOP cultists think like that last sentence. Why are threats and
assaults their solution so often these days.?
I did not mean physical threats, but political and leagal threats.
Similar to what is being done to Trump. They may say they will invoke
that artical where he is removed from office because he is not able to
carry ut the duties due to his mental state. Interisting to see what
hapens to Hunter. They may fine him some money but I almost bet he does
not go to jail. That may have beem part of the bargin.
From what I hear, there was no bargain. That's why prosecutors, about
to choose a jury, were so surprised.

Ed P
2024-09-06 14:16:04 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part. Could it be he finally realized it was
beyond his ability going forward? No, people would rather make up their
own story for it. We don't need no stinkin facts.
2024-09-06 14:28:20 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Wow.  Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie.  I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did.  Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part.  Could it be he finally realized it was
beyond his ability going forward?  No, people would rather make up their
own story for it.  We don't need no stinkin facts.
Give us a break. Everyone knew he was getting senile and party leaders
saw him on a losing course and gave him an offer he could not refuse.

He would not give it up himself and Jill was pushing him.
Ed P
2024-09-06 14:58:23 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Wow.  Whoooda thought the President of the United States would
ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie.  I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did.  Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part.  Could it be he finally realized it was
beyond his ability going forward?  No, people would rather make up
their own story for it.  We don't need no stinkin facts.
Give us a break.  Everyone knew he was getting senile and party leaders
saw him on a losing course and gave him an offer he could not refuse.
He would not give it up himself and Jill was pushing him.
You think you know that for sure, but you really don't None of us do.
As I said, supposition with no evidence.
2024-09-06 15:48:06 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Wow.  Whoooda thought the President of the United States would
ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie.  I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did.  Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part.  Could it be he finally realized it
was beyond his ability going forward?  No, people would rather make
up their own story for it.  We don't need no stinkin facts.
Give us a break.  Everyone knew he was getting senile and party
leaders saw him on a losing course and gave him an offer he could not
He would not give it up himself and Jill was pushing him.
You think you know that for sure, but you really don't  None of us do.
As I said, supposition with no evidence.
Guess you did not see the debate.
2024-09-06 18:42:15 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Yes, in most cases including for sure the one being discussed.
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part. Could it be he finally realized it was
beyond his ability going forward? No, people would rather make up their
own story for it. We don't need no stinkin facts.
Why should we need facts? ;-)
Ed P
2024-09-06 19:26:24 UTC
Post by micky
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. I it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
When you hear "no comment" you know it is a coverup.
Yes, in most cases including for sure the one being discussed.
Post by Ed P
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did. Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
Just supposition on your part. Could it be he finally realized it was
beyond his ability going forward? No, people would rather make up their
own story for it. We don't need no stinkin facts.
Why should we need facts? ;-)
Facts tend to ruin a good argument. They can ruin a good fantasy soo,
be in sexual or political.
2024-09-06 14:41:54 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 09:42:43 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did.
Are you kidding? He changed his mind. Do you honestly think he was
lying when he said he woudln't? You think he knew he would step down
and lied that he wouldn't? That's an absurd idea.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
He was told that *he* was going to lose. Who do you think threatened
his family and what threat do you think they made? Also absurd.
2024-09-06 15:51:07 UTC
Post by micky
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 09:42:43 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev played
him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts, the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Post by rbowman
Part of the job description of 'politician' is 'facile liar'.
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
Post by Ralph Mowery
Many of the politicians lie or just change what they say just to get
elected. Just liike Biden was not going to step down for the next
election but he did.
Are you kidding? He changed his mind. Do you honestly think he was
lying when he said he woudln't? You think he knew he would step down
and lied that he wouldn't? That's an absurd idea.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Probably got told of bad things going to hapen to
him and family if he did not step down.
He was told that *he* was going to lose. Who do you think threatened
his family and what threat do you think they made? Also absurd.
It had to be more than that. His family was pushing him to stay and he
wanted it. There must have been some threat, not to family, but to his
support by the other party leaders.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-06 16:00:43 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, NONONOmisc07
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by Ralph Mowery
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
I tell the man that she is inside, the cops have been called and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out. He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his. No problem but cleaning
the blood out off the floor.
Bob F
2024-09-06 17:06:42 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by Ralph Mowery
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
I tell the man that she is inside, the cops have been called and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out. He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his. No problem but cleaning
the blood out off the floor.
Ohhhh! You are such a man!
2024-09-06 18:16:39 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:00:43 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by Ralph Mowery
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
You know that this story is not fiction. Things like this have happened
many times.
Post by Ralph Mowery
I tell the man that she is inside, the cops have been called
But you didn't have time to call the cops yet. Are you going to lie and
say you did?
Post by Ralph Mowery
and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out.
But your gun is locked in a gunsafe so that burglars can't take it, or
it's upstairs in your bedroom (where burglars *can* take it), and he is
a foot away from you. You don't have time to get it.

So he knocks you unconscious, storms into the house, finds your wife
first and beats the hell out of her because she won't tell him where his
girlfriend (or wife) is, but eventually find the gf and kills her. All
of which could have been prevented by one simple lie. But you think
lying is the worse than all that. It's the consequences of lying or
telling the truth that make the diifference.
Post by Ralph Mowery
He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his.
So you'd rather kill him than just lie to him so that he leaves, she's
safe, and he's gone home and probably cooled off by the time the police
come to his house. And he has not beaten her further or killed her.
Post by Ralph Mowery
No problem but cleaning
the blood out off the floor.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-06 18:43:59 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, NONONOmisc07
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
But you didn't have time to call the cops yet. Are you going to lie and
say you did?
Post by Ralph Mowery
and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out.
But your gun is locked in a gunsafe so that burglars can't take it, or
it's upstairs in your bedroom (where burglars *can* take it), and he is
a foot away from you. You don't have time to get it.
So he knocks you unconscious, storms into the house, finds your wife
first and beats the hell out of her because she won't tell him where his
girlfriend (or wife) is, but eventually find the gf and kills her. All
of which could have been prevented by one simple lie. But you think
lying is the worse than all that. It's the consequences of lying or
telling the truth that make the diifference.
Post by Ralph Mowery
He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his.
So you'd rather kill him than just lie to him so that he leaves, she's
safe, and he's gone home and probably cooled off by the time the police
come to his house. And he has not beaten her further or killed her.
If I had not called the cops I would not say I had but was going to.
As soon as the woman came in the house I would have been armed.

He may have came in anyway especially if he had seen her come in.

I do not want to shoot anyone,but would not hesitate if I thought my
life or anyone in my house was in danger. I was taught to shoot when I
was about 22 years old mainly by a friend that was much older and a
police man. He was an excellent shot and most of the time placed 2nd
place in the state police competition. He did not seem to able to beat
one man in another city. Went through a concealed handgun course years
ago and got familiar with the laws. I do practice often and a gun is
seldom out of reach.I live in the country and the closes house is over
200 feet away. Even calling 911 would take the cops a while to get
here. No children at home so no problem with something laying around.
2024-09-06 19:00:35 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 14:43:59 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
But you didn't have time to call the cops yet. Are you going to lie and
say you did?
Post by Ralph Mowery
and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out.
But your gun is locked in a gunsafe so that burglars can't take it, or
it's upstairs in your bedroom (where burglars *can* take it), and he is
a foot away from you. You don't have time to get it.
So he knocks you unconscious, storms into the house, finds your wife
first and beats the hell out of her because she won't tell him where his
girlfriend (or wife) is, but eventually find the gf and kills her. All
of which could have been prevented by one simple lie. But you think
lying is the worse than all that. It's the consequences of lying or
telling the truth that make the diifference.
Post by Ralph Mowery
He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his.
So you'd rather kill him than just lie to him so that he leaves, she's
safe, and he's gone home and probably cooled off by the time the police
come to his house. And he has not beaten her further or killed her.
If I had not called the cops I would not say I had but was going to.
As soon as the woman came in the house I would have been armed.
It would take a minute to talk to her and ind out what the problem was.
Post by Ralph Mowery
He may have came in anyway especially if he had seen her come in.
In my origianl scenario, he didn't see her come in. that's still the
sceanario. He may have been only a minute or two behind her but he was
still in his house or knocking on the doors of people who live closer to
him than you do.
Post by Ralph Mowery
I do not want to shoot anyone,but would not hesitate if I thought my
life or anyone in my house was in danger.
It wouldn't be in danger if you'd just lie. But you'd rather tell the
truth and then shoot him if he tried to come in.
Post by Ralph Mowery
I was taught to shoot when I
was about 22 years old mainly by a friend that was much older and a
police man. He was an excellent shot and most of the time placed 2nd
place in the state police competition. He did not seem to able to beat
one man in another city. Went through a concealed handgun course years
ago and got familiar with the laws.
I don't see the relevance of any of this. Yes, it's legal to kill
someone who's trying to force his way into your home, but you can avoid
the question by lying to him. AFAICT, you'd rather kill someone than
lie. Someone who might have children, parents, brothers, sisters,who
might have gotten drunk because he lost his job and even whose wife
might forgive him because he only gets drunk once in a great while. And
you could have just told him she wasn't there and he would have kept
looking for her until he gave up or cooled off.
Post by Ralph Mowery
I do practice often and a gun is
seldom out of reach.I live in the country and the closes house is over
200 feet away.
When I was in JHS and high school, the lots were 100 feet wide and the
houses were 100 feet apart. 100 feet, 200 feet, It just means the woman
being beaten would have to run farther to find a neighbor who was home
and could open the door.
Post by Ralph Mowery
Even calling 911 would take the cops a while to get
here. No children at home so no problem with something laying around.
So you've got the perfect setup for keeping your gun by the front door.
Most people don't. Many keep their guns locked up or in their bedroom.
Say you had to move out, even temporarily, because of a fire or a flood
and the first available place was in town where the houses were were 50
feet apart, or 100, AFAICT, you'd rather kill someone than lie.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-07 03:08:51 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, NONONOmisc07
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
So you've got the perfect setup for keeping your gun by the front door.
Most people don't. Many keep their guns locked up or in their bedroom.
Say you had to move out, even temporarily, because of a fire or a flood
and the first available place was in town where the houses were were 50
feet apart, or 100, AFAICT, you'd rather kill someone than lie.
I grew up in a small town with lots maybe 75 feet wide and 100 feet long
if that big. It was a house with 3 bedrooms on one side and the other
side had a front room, den, then kitchen.

I don't want to kill anyone. That is why I would most likely just say
go away for the first thing. Not say she is there or not.
Timpon Walz
2024-09-07 10:39:28 UTC
Post by micky
I don't see the relevance of any of this. Yes, it's legal to kill
someone who's trying to force his way into your home, but you can avoid
the question by lying to him. AFAICT, you'd rather kill someone than
It's not murder, it's just an overdue postpartum abortion.
And we all know, Democrats love abortions.
2024-09-06 23:39:18 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:00:43 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by Ralph Mowery
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
I tell the man that she is inside, the cops have been called and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out. He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his. No problem but cleaning
the blood out off the floor.
This story is also true, tens of thousands of times.

And what would you do if you lived in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands,
Belgium, France, Poland, Czecholovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania,
Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia and you were hiding a Jew
from the nazis. And a nazi shows up at your door and says, Do you have
any Jews here? Would you tell him the truth, yes, but that the cops
have been called? The cops are on his side. Both of them plan to
arrest the Jews in your house, kill them on the spot or send them to
work camps where they will be fed the just enough to maximize how much
work they can do while still starving them, and then when they are weak
enough, send them to death camps to be murdered.

Would you tell the Gestapo sergeant at your door that if he comes in,
you have enough firepower to take him out along with the 6 men with
rifles who are behind him? And the 75 men with rifles at his
headquarters where they have a list of which addresses he will be going

Or would you lie?
Bob F
2024-09-07 00:30:10 UTC
Post by micky
In alt.home.repair, on Fri, 6 Sep 2024 12:00:43 -0400, Ralph Mowery
Post by Ralph Mowery
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Post by Ralph Mowery
To me a lie is a lie. If it is to protect a government seceret it should
be a no comment or something like that and not a lie.
So, a neighbor woman with torn clothes, a bleeding lip, and other
bruises on her face shows up at your door, frantic, and said her
boyfriend is trying to kill her. Let's assume you invite her inside and
then a few minutes later, the boyfriend, who is bigger than you are.
bangs on the door and says angrily, Where is she? What do you say, No
comment? Do you think that will help the woman? Or is her getting
beaten or killed less important than never telling al lie?
I tell the man that she is inside, the cops have been called and if he
comes in the house he better be bullet prof as I have enough firepower
to take him out. He has been warned and if he breaks down the door and
comes in I am in fear of my life and I end his. No problem but cleaning
the blood out off the floor.
This story is also true, tens of thousands of times.
And what would you do if you lived in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands,
Belgium, France, Poland, Czecholovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania,
Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia and you were hiding a Jew
from the nazis. And a nazi shows up at your door and says, Do you have
any Jews here? Would you tell him the truth, yes, but that the cops
have been called? The cops are on his side. Both of them plan to
arrest the Jews in your house, kill them on the spot or send them to
work camps where they will be fed the just enough to maximize how much
work they can do while still starving them, and then when they are weak
enough, send them to death camps to be murdered.
Would you tell the Gestapo sergeant at your door that if he comes in,
you have enough firepower to take him out along with the 6 men with
rifles who are behind him? And the 75 men with rifles at his
headquarters where they have a list of which addresses he will be going
Or would you lie?
He would hand them over happily. He's a trumpie.
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-07 03:03:10 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by micky
Would you tell the Gestapo sergeant at your door that if he comes in,
you have enough firepower to take him out along with the 6 men with
rifles who are behind him? And the 75 men with rifles at his
headquarters where they have a list of which addresses he will be going
Or would you lie?
He would hand them over happily. He's a trumpie.
I am a Trummpie.

They would not ask they would just come in anyway. One has to know when
to just give up. Just as I am going to with this growing number of
people showing up.
Bob F
2024-09-07 03:06:50 UTC
Post by Ralph Mowery
Post by Bob F
Post by micky
Would you tell the Gestapo sergeant at your door that if he comes in,
you have enough firepower to take him out along with the 6 men with
rifles who are behind him? And the 75 men with rifles at his
headquarters where they have a list of which addresses he will be going
Or would you lie?
He would hand them over happily. He's a trumpie.
I am a Trummpie.
They would not ask they would just come in anyway. One has to know when
to just give up. Just as I am going to with this growing number of
people showing up.
But you would have invited them in, and then called the police for the
Ralph Mowery
2024-09-07 03:00:09 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, NONONOmisc07
@fmguy.com says...
Post by micky
Would you tell the Gestapo sergeant at your door that if he comes in,
you have enough firepower to take him out along with the 6 men with
rifles who are behind him? And the 75 men with rifles at his
headquarters where they have a list of which addresses he will be going
Or would you lie?
They are not going to ask. They will just come in and do whatever they
2024-09-06 19:23:50 UTC
Post by micky
In alt.home.repair, on 6 Sep 2024 05:51:18 GMT, rbowman
Post by rbowman
Post by Ed P
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
Lemme see... In my lifetime the first one to lie was Eisenhower when he
tried to pass the U2 off as a civilian weather monitor. Khrushchev
played him like a fiddle. 'Oh, by the way, Ike, we have the receipts,
the plane,
and the pilot.'
You don't seem to understand the difference between lying to protect
secrets etc. of the United States, vs. lying to steal an election.
What a pity.
Where do you put the Gulf of Tonkin? The famous weapons of mass
destruction? Iran-Contra? 'Protecting the national security' is a very
convenient excuse for lying like a rug.
2024-09-06 06:29:37 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Clare Snyder
Post by Ed P
Post by Clare Snyder
Trump definitely filed fraudulent forms and
evaded assessments. And Trump has not only admitted it but bragged
about it.
    Are you in possession of actual physical proof of these accusations
Clare ? If not I suggest you just STFU .
Thanks Ed.
  I didn't ask for a list of the lies the liberals used to try to
interfere with the election . Those charges were specious at best ,
designed only to inconvenience Trump . The lenders were all happy and
would have done more business with him . Don't piss on my head and tell
me it's rain .
Wow. Whoooda thought the President of the United States would ever lie.
He finally admitted he lost the election.
Didn't know about that one (of course it was posted only 9 hours ago at
5:50 PM.)

but I did see this one on video a couple days ago:
"At a press conference at the southern border last month, Trump said
that he came up “just a little bit short” in the last election."

I wonder what's changed him. Maybe he found out he's dying and he's
trying to set the record straight before he meets his maker. I don't
know if this is enoughto make up for 44 months of lying.
2024-09-05 23:10:22 UTC
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
With no trial the Big Guy's role will not come out and we all know the
Big Guy will pardon him after the election.
2024-09-06 00:00:09 UTC
Post by Frank
 From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
With no trial the Big Guy's role will not come out and we all know the
Big Guy will pardon him after the election.
And there ya have it . "Take one for the Big Guy , son. I'll pardon
you on my way out the door ." What they seem to have forgotten is the
evidence of a myriad of other felonious crimes on that laptop . I hope
they hang him with a pedo crime . And stick him in GenPop . Bye Hunter !
Voting for Kamabla after Biden
is like changing your shirt because
you shit your pants .
2024-09-06 01:05:46 UTC
Post by Snag
And there ya have it . "Take one for the Big Guy , son. I'll pardon
you on my way out the door ." What they seem to have forgotten is the
evidence of a myriad of other felonious crimes on that laptop . I hope
they hang him with a pedo crime . And stick him in GenPop . Bye Hunter !
Alford pleas are one of the stranger legal shuffles. 'I plead guilty
because the prosecutor has enough evidence that any jury not composed of
my close relatives will find me guilty but I'm really innocent.'
2024-09-06 12:18:25 UTC
Post by rbowman
Post by Snag
And there ya have it . "Take one for the Big Guy , son. I'll pardon
you on my way out the door ." What they seem to have forgotten is the
evidence of a myriad of other felonious crimes on that laptop . I hope
they hang him with a pedo crime . And stick him in GenPop . Bye Hunter !
Alford pleas are one of the stranger legal shuffles. 'I plead guilty
because the prosecutor has enough evidence that any jury not composed of
my close relatives will find me guilty but I'm really innocent.'
I was familiar with nolo contendere where penalty is accepted without
pleading guilty but this Alford plea is news to me. I am currently
reading that government has yet to accept it and usually denies it and
case goes to trial.

I guess had he plead nolo contendere they would have had to accept it as
would he the penalty for the crime.
Jamaal Bowman
2024-09-06 10:50:15 UTC
Post by Frank
 From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
With no trial the Big Guy's role will not come out and we all know the
Big Guy will pardon him after the election.
I suspect the pardon has been written and signed, just in case Joey
Diapershitz sucks his last breath.
2024-09-06 06:20:49 UTC
In alt.home.repair, on Thu, 5 Sep 2024 14:09:56 -0400, Vern
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Vern there is no evidence Hunter has asked his father for a pardon.
Post by Vern
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
There is even less evidence of that. Joe Biden said he would not
pardon his son, and so far, his record for telling the truth is better
than yours.

If you weren't stupid, you'd wait until January and see what Pres. Biden
does insteal of writing things now that make you like a jerk.
Al Burt Boarla
2024-09-06 10:32:10 UTC
Post by micky
In alt.home.repair, on Thu, 5 Sep 2024 14:09:56 -0400, Vern
Post by Vern
From conspiracy theory to truth...yet again.
Hunter: Daddy, will you pardon my corrupt lying ass?
Vern there is no evidence Hunter has asked his father for a pardon.
Post by Vern
Daddy: Sure Hunter, you're the smartest guy I know.
There is even less evidence of that. Joe Biden said he would not
pardon his son, and so far, his record for telling the truth is better
than yours.
Liar Biden said he wouldn't mandate the clot shots...but then Liar Biden
mandated the clot shots.
Post by micky
If you weren't stupid, you'd wait until January and see what Pres. Biden
does insteal of writing things now that make you like a jerk.
You got anything other than ad hominem, Micky Mouth?