Post by Ed PawlowskiPost by Tekkie©On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:08:03 -0500, Heywood posted for all of us to digest...
I'm assuming it is being replaced. Stupid to try and repair a very
inefficient unit when munch money can be saved with a new one.
The ROI has to be proved. I wouldn't replace it because it's inefficient. It's
a noble thought but say 8K could be a real hit. We don't know the OP
circumstances so... Not berating you just that's how I see it.
Mine was 7K and paid back in 6 years.
Not enough info here to draw a conclusion though. If it is a 1958 or
older house, what else, if anything, has been done?
In the past 60 years, chances are windows and doors may have been
replaced with better ones, insulation added, other energy efficient
changes. If that is the case, the old furnace is no longer suitable in
both size and efficiency.
If the OP just wants to know so he can certify the house asbestos free
for a sale then no, no ROI. The new buyer would figure that out quickly
though. Heating systems have improved considerably since '58.