About those anchor babies ...
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2025-01-21 22:41:23 UTC
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called
anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an
anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of
other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is
another term).

Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The
14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born
Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed
slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments
from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But
in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the
authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the

Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and
passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,
which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on
Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out
the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to
their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a
citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons
born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the
families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the
Government of the United States, but will include every other class of
persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all
doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States.
This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and
legislation of this country."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude
American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the
United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully
in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on
the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United
States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.

The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal
alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is
her baby.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this
restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called
'Slaughter-House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In
Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from
its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign
states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian
claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required
him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to the
jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their
political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.'

Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship to
American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born
within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924,
codified in 8USCSß1401, provides that:

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
(a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction
(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo,
Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.

The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate
illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship for their
offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. Current estimates
indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the
U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S.
population each year than immigration from all sources in an average
year before 1965.

On the issue of anchor babies, they will not be stateless as claimed in
the suit. They are already citizens of whatever nation their parents are
citizens of.

Will they be deportable as claimed in the suit? Yes, if they have not
secured citizenship or permanent residency.

Will they lose access to welfare and free healthcare that is tied to
citizenship? Yes in most cases.

Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
We live in a time where intelligent people
are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.
Bob F
2025-01-22 05:34:46 UTC
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
I am no longer at all sure about that.
Jan Panteltje
2025-01-22 15:03:42 UTC
On a sunny day (Wed, 22 Jan 2025 06:31:35 -0500) it happened Racheal Madcow
Post by Bob F
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject
to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a dictatorship.
I am no longer at all sure about that.
Yah, follow the money.
The problem is that the vast majority of politicians no longer represent the best interests of We the People.
The politicians are completely owned by globalists.
We are all earthlings ;-)

There was a part on CNN today where a woman priest was talking to trump about all this
She made a lot of sense, trump did not like it.

Lots of 'illegal' workers's kids would remain without parents
if those get extradited...
trump shows sign of being a nut-case

Neither does increasing AI mean much, except when it makes it no longer necessary for kids to learn stuff.

After all, all trump's previous term gave us was COVID, created and arranged by his friend Faulty.

So... end of 'merrica in sight?
Clare Snyder
2025-01-22 17:26:14 UTC
Post by Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Wed, 22 Jan 2025 06:31:35 -0500) it happened Racheal Madcow
Post by Bob F
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject
to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a dictatorship.
I am no longer at all sure about that.
Yah, follow the money.
The problem is that the vast majority of politicians no longer represent the best interests of We the People.
The politicians are completely owned by globalists.
We are all earthlings ;-)
There was a part on CNN today where a woman priest was talking to trump about all this
She made a lot of sense, trump did not like it.
Of course Trump didn't like it. Truth hurts. He KNOWS he is wrong and
being reminded of it makes him MAD
Post by Jan Panteltje
Lots of 'illegal' workers's kids would remain without parents
if those get extradited...
trump shows sign of being a nut-case
He's been showing those very obvious signs for at least 8 years
Post by Jan Panteltje
Neither does increasing AI mean much, except when it makes it no longer necessary for kids to learn stuff.
AI needs to be closely controlled. That will NOT happen under Trump
unless it is used against him. It is ALREADY at the point you can not
believe anything you hear unless it is "first party" - person to
person - or what you see unless it is live with your own eyes. Deep
Fakes are SO GOOD it takes very good forensics to catch them.

AI generated content (text) still leaves hints that can be picked up
by people knowlegable in a subject but it is getting harder.
Post by Jan Panteltje
After all, all trump's previous term gave us was COVID, created and arranged by his friend Faulty.
So... end of 'merrica in sight?
Unless you are VERY CAREFUL and put up effective guardrails, it
could come in less than 4 years. The "America as you have come to know
and love it" could be gone in a matter of months.
Brad Sherman
2025-01-27 09:53:34 UTC
Post by Clare Snyder
Post by Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Wed, 22 Jan 2025 06:31:35 -0500) it happened Racheal
Post by Bob F
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject
to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a dictatorship.
I am no longer at all sure about that.
Yah, follow the money.
The problem is that the vast majority of politicians no longer
represent the best interests of We the People. The politicians are
completely owned by globalists.
We are all earthlings ;-)
There was a part on CNN today where a woman priest was talking to
trump about all this She made a lot of sense, trump did not like it.
Of course Trump didn't like it. Truth hurts. He KNOWS he is wrong and
being reminded of it makes him MAD
Post by Jan Panteltje
Lots of 'illegal' workers's kids would remain without parents
if those get extradited...
trump shows sign of being a nut-case
He's been showing those very obvious signs for at least 8 years
Post by Jan Panteltje
Neither does increasing AI mean much, except when it makes it no
longer necessary for kids to learn stuff.
AI needs to be closely controlled. That will NOT happen under Trump
unless it is used against him. It is ALREADY at the point you can not
believe anything you hear unless it is "first party" - person to
person - or what you see unless it is live with your own eyes. Deep
Fakes are SO GOOD it takes very good forensics to catch them.
AI generated content (text) still leaves hints that can be picked up
by people knowlegable in a subject but it is getting harder.
Post by Jan Panteltje
After all, all trump's previous term gave us was COVID, created and
arranged by his friend Faulty.
So... end of 'merrica in sight?
Unless you are VERY CAREFUL and put up effective guardrails, it
could come in less than 4 years. The "America as you have come to know
and love it" could be gone in a matter of months.
You've been hittin' those 'shrooms pretty hard.

AI is not new. In one example, both DEC and IBM used it for consumer
banking access by phone back in the 80s, long before any of the current
social media AI promoting goofballs were born. The DEC version was also
used by NOAA for weather radio. DEC originated and developed the
technology, licensing it to IBM.
2025-01-22 17:44:19 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
I am no longer at all sure about that.
We know that you are disappointed as our march towards communism has
been halted. Republicans have become the party of small government.
This is contrary to your statement.
2025-01-22 23:16:27 UTC
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called
anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an
anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of
other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is
another term).
Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The
14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born
Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed
slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments
from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But
in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the
authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the
Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and
passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,
which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on
Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to
their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a
citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons
born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the
families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the
Government of the United States, but will include every other class of
persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all
doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States.
This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and
legislation of this country."
The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude
American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the
United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully
in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on
the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United
States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal
alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is
her baby.
Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this
restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-
House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk
v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its
operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign
states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian
claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required
him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to the
jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their
political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.'
Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship to
American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born
within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924,
(a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction
(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo,
Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.
The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate
illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship for their
offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. Current estimates
indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the
U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S.
population each year than immigration from all sources in an average
year before 1965.
On the issue of anchor babies, they will not be stateless as claimed in
the suit. They are already citizens of whatever nation their parents are
citizens of.
Will they be deportable as claimed in the suit? Yes, if they have not
secured citizenship or permanent residency.
Will they lose access to welfare and free healthcare that is tied to
citizenship? Yes in most cases.
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
And I might add, there is precedent for what Trump
is doing.

Ed P
2025-01-23 00:08:52 UTC
Post by T
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called
anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an
anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of
other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is
another term).
Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The
14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-
born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed
slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments
from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But
in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the
authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the
Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting
and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States
Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate
Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth
Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject
to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a
citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include
persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who
belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited
to the Government of the United States, but will include every other
class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and
removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the
United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the
jurisprudence and legislation of this country."
The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to
exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose
allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens
who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a
claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their
allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes
automatic citizenship.
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal
alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as
is her baby.
Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this
restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-
House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk
v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its
operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign
states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian
claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law
required him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to
the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their
political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.'
Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship
to American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born
within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924,
(a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction
(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian,
Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.
The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to
facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship
for their offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense.
Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies
born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add
more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all
sources in an average year before 1965.
On the issue of anchor babies, they will not be stateless as claimed
in the suit. They are already citizens of whatever nation their
parents are citizens of.
Will they be deportable as claimed in the suit? Yes, if they have not
secured citizenship or permanent residency.
Will they lose access to welfare and free healthcare that is tied to
citizenship? Yes in most cases.
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
And I might add, there is precedent for what Trump
is doing.
Correct, but they can get lawful permanent residency. Different


Change the law the proper way, not executive order.
Clare Snyder
2025-01-23 04:24:21 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by T
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called
anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an
anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of
other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is
another term).
Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The
14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-
born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed
slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments
from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But
in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the
authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the
Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting
and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States
Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate
Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth
Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject
to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a
citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include
persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who
belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited
to the Government of the United States, but will include every other
class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and
removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the
United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the
jurisprudence and legislation of this country."
The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to
exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose
allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens
who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a
claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their
allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes
automatic citizenship.
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal
alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as
is her baby.
Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this
restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called 'Slaughter-
House cases' [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk
v.Wilkins, the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its
operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign
states born within the United States.' In Elk, the American Indian
claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law
required him to be 'not merely subject in some respect or degree to
the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their
political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.'
Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship
to American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born
within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924,
(a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction
(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian,
Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.
The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to
facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship
for their offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense.
Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies
born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add
more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all
sources in an average year before 1965.
On the issue of anchor babies, they will not be stateless as claimed
in the suit. They are already citizens of whatever nation their
parents are citizens of.
Will they be deportable as claimed in the suit? Yes, if they have not
secured citizenship or permanent residency.
Will they lose access to welfare and free healthcare that is tied to
citizenship? Yes in most cases.
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
And I might add, there is precedent for what Trump
is doing.
Correct, but they can get lawful permanent residency. Different
Change the law the proper way, not executive order.
Also diplomats are not "residents of America" as their embassies etc
are considered to be part of their country. The German embassy is part
of GERMANY, not the USA.
2025-02-25 23:47:55 UTC
An invading army's children do not have birthright citisenship.

That is the strongest part of the anti-immigrant argument.
Vasos Panagiotopoulos panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
Ed P
2025-01-22 00:06:22 UTC
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments. It is not a Presidential order.

Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
Lucas McCain
2025-01-23 04:42:04 UTC
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States
of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in order
to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: mass-migration, LGBTQ, and war."
Viktor Orban

2025-01-23 07:17:32 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the USA
for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States
of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in order
to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.

An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th

Thank you.
Brad Sherman
2025-01-27 11:09:00 UTC
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Lucas McCain
2025-01-27 20:38:15 UTC
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent back
to their Hispanic failed states.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: mass-migration, LGBTQ, and war."
Viktor Orban

Ed P
2025-01-27 20:47:46 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent back
to their Hispanic failed states.
Some are criminals and should be sent back. Send the wrong ones though,
and you mess up the US economy. We really need some of them to do
certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying. Who is going to replace

Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare funds
but will never get any of that back. Present retirees are getting that

Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American Progress
reported that about 23% of construction laborers were undocumented

Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
Clare Snyder
2025-01-27 21:39:11 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent back
to their Hispanic failed states.
Some are criminals and should be sent back. Send the wrong ones though,
and you mess up the US economy. We really need some of them to do
certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying. Who is going to replace
Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare funds
but will never get any of that back. Present retirees are getting that
Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American Progress
reported that about 23% of construction laborers were undocumented
Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
Get them documented ( I know, the republicans are against that
becuse documented or not, they are still "brown")
Lucas McCain
2025-01-27 22:03:58 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent
back to their Hispanic failed states.
ice- arrests-in-deleted-video-with-mexican-flag/
Some are criminals and should be sent back.  Send the wrong ones though,
and you mess up the US economy.  We really need some of them to do
certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying.  Who is going to replace
Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare funds
but will never get any of that back.  Present retirees are getting that
Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American Progress
reported that about 23% of construction laborers were undocumented
Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
You raise good questions. So far, from my observations garnered from
"the news", only dangerous criminal aliens are being rounded up and
deported. I would imagine that out of 340 million Americans, it
wouldn't be difficult to find construction workers as long as they're
paid American wages.
"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: mass-migration, LGBTQ, and war."
Viktor Orban

Ed P
2025-01-27 22:15:19 UTC
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent
back to their Hispanic failed states.
ice- arrests-in-deleted-video-with-mexican-flag/
Some are criminals and should be sent back.  Send the wrong ones
though, and you mess up the US economy.  We really need some of them
to do certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying.  Who is going to
replace them?
Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare
funds but will never get any of that back.  Present retirees are
getting that money.
Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American
Progress reported that about 23% of construction laborers were
undocumented immigrants
Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
You raise good questions.  So far, from my observations garnered from
"the news", only dangerous criminal aliens are being rounded up and
deported.  I would imagine that out of 340 million Americans, it
wouldn't be difficult to find construction workers as long as they're
paid American wages.
There are about 8 million people employed in construction. If the 23%
is correct, that is 1.8 million. Right now there are 6.9 million
unemployed. Are 1/3 of them ready and able to start working in
construction? What about the harvest?

Nice to always talk about job creation, but we don't have enough people
to do everything needing doing.
Clare Snyder
2025-01-28 02:42:59 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the
State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of the
USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and existing
amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not a
This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth
(14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently
misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United
States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright
citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of
majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in
order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a
Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the
misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be
sufficient and is urgently warranted.
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the 14th
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent
back to their Hispanic failed states.
ice- arrests-in-deleted-video-with-mexican-flag/
Some are criminals and should be sent back.  Send the wrong ones
though, and you mess up the US economy.  We really need some of them
to do certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying.  Who is going to
replace them?
Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare
funds but will never get any of that back.  Present retirees are
getting that money.
Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American
Progress reported that about 23% of construction laborers were
undocumented immigrants
Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
You raise good questions.  So far, from my observations garnered from
"the news", only dangerous criminal aliens are being rounded up and
deported.  I would imagine that out of 340 million Americans, it
wouldn't be difficult to find construction workers as long as they're
paid American wages.
There are about 8 million people employed in construction. If the 23%
is correct, that is 1.8 million. Right now there are 6.9 million
unemployed. Are 1/3 of them ready and able to start working in
construction? What about the harvest?
Nice to always talk about job creation, but we don't have enough people
to do everything needing doing.
And what "americans" are going to do the backbreaking labor for the
money the immigrants do it? Paying "american" wages will cause
inflation. Or even do the work AT ALL? Also what "americans" will live
with 8 or 10 other people in a small shack or apartment?? Makes the
housing situation worse.
Lowering grocery costs and deporting Mexican (and central american)
workers are almost mutually exclusive - -

Up here in Canada we don't have "as much" of an undocumented imigrant
problem, but we DO import a LOT of construction workers. Half the
concrete workers and masons are from Portugal and the Azores -
all-be-it many (but certainly not all) 2nd and even 3rd generation
now. Same with tile and glass workers. Quite a few "winter" back home.
MANY of our farm workers are Mexican or central american - quite a
number of the Mexicans are descendants of Canadian citizens - many of
them immigrants from Russia and the Ukraine who came to Canada then
moved to Mexico, Belize, and even Paraguay 3 or more generations ago.
A lot are seasonal and split their time between Mexico and Canada, but
many are also more or less "permanent" - some with permanent status,
and even citizenship.
It used to be very common for the "mexican" families to drive back and
forth through the USA either seasonally or to visit family but many
are now choosing to fly non-stop from Mexico to Canada to avoid
getting caught up in the drama between borders.

The main "undocumented" immigrant problem we have is with people
fleeing the USA in fear - many with legal residency in the USA and
many without - sneaking NORTH across the border from USA to Canada.
Not too many headed the other direction!!!!
Rudy Canoza
2025-01-29 18:27:09 UTC
Post by Ed P
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Brad Sherman
Post by TRS80
Post by Lucas McCain
Post by Snag
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: All
persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject
to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States
and the State wherein they reside."
Has the United States recognized anchor babies as citizens of
the USA for 150 years?
There is a proper legal way to amend the Constitution and
existing amendments.  It is not a Presidential order.
Yes, it should be changed, but do it the right way, we are not
a dictatorship.
This website serves to explain the original intent of the
Fourteenth (14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it
is currently misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born
in the United States of illegal alien parents. These children,
via their birthright citizenship, act as anchor babies and can,
upon reaching the age of majority, facilitate bringing their
extended family into the US in order to obtain citizenship.
Although some experts believe that a Constitutional amendment
would be necessary to remedy the misinterpretation, many believe
that Congressional action would be sufficient and is urgently
You are absolutely correct.
An amendment is not necessary. All that is needed is to apply the
14th Amendment.
Thank you.
Kick the illegals out, knocked up or not, and give each one a Democrat to
take back to their native country with them.
Selena Gomez is crying crocodile tears over "her people" being sent
back to their Hispanic failed states.
ice- arrests-in-deleted-video-with-mexican-flag/
Some are criminals and should be sent back.  Send the wrong ones
though, and you mess up the US economy.  We really need some of
them to do certain jobs, usually unskilled and low paying.  Who is
going to replace them?
Many high school kids have after school jobs, but not picking crops.
Many are on payroll and pay into the Social Security and Medicare
funds but will never get any of that back.  Present retirees are
getting that money.
Center for American Progress: In 2021, the Center for American
Progress reported that about 23% of construction laborers were
undocumented immigrants
Send them back, but who is going to replace them?
You raise good questions.  So far, from my observations garnered
from "the news", only dangerous criminal aliens are being rounded up
and deported.  I would imagine that out of 340 million Americans, it
wouldn't be difficult to find construction workers as long as they're
paid American wages.
There are about 8 million people employed in construction. If the 23%
is correct, that is 1.8 million. Right now there are 6.9 million
unemployed. Are 1/3 of them ready and able to start working in
construction? What about the harvest?
Get with the times, bub. Nobody needs all those illegals to harvest
produce. More and more of it is automated to reduce the management
aggravation and cost of transient immigrant presence. The US averages
around 2.5 million acres of vegetable produce alone every year. You got
any idea how long it takes to pick an acre and how many people it would
take to do it by hand before the stuff rots in the ground? Machines can
do it better faster.

We don't need people to pick corn, soybeans or wheat, combines do it.

We can harvest oranges, apples, plums, cranberries and nuts etc., faster
and more efficiently than humans using automated machines.

We need mechanics, machinists and manufacturing jobs.
Post by Ed P
Nice to always talk about job creation, but we don't have enough
people to do everything needing doing.
We have plenty of people to do the work. The problem is they are too
damned lazy, stupid, stoned, or think they are too good to do it. The
only skills large city kids have exiting high school are snottiness,
ebike riding and smart phone operation. They can't even follow simple
directions to complete a job application without blanks or misspellings
using a smart phone. Ask one to do some simple math problems or count
change without using a damned smartphone. They can't do it.

That's what they have been taught in liberal run schools.

If you want good smart resourceful workers, get kids from schools in
agricultural areas.
2025-01-29 19:22:46 UTC
In article <vndrtt$jplc$***@news.mixmin.net>, ***@budlight.com
Rudy Canoza says...
Post by Rudy Canoza
That's what they have been taught in liberal run schools.
Ed P
2025-01-29 21:08:05 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by Ed P
There are about 8 million people employed in construction. If the 23%
is correct, that is 1.8 million. Right now there are 6.9 million
unemployed. Are 1/3 of them ready and able to start working in
construction? What about the harvest?
Get with the times, bub. Nobody needs all those illegals to harvest
produce. More and more of it is automated to reduce the management
aggravation and cost of transient immigrant presence. The US averages
around 2.5 million acres of vegetable produce alone every year. You got
any idea how long it takes to pick an acre and how many people it would
take to do it by hand before the stuff rots in the ground? Machines can
do it better faster.
We don't need people to pick corn, soybeans or wheat, combines do it.
We can harvest oranges, apples, plums, cranberries and nuts etc., faster
and more efficiently than humans using automated machines.
Crops that generally cannot be machine harvested include most delicate
fruits and vegetables like strawberries, raspberries, grapes,
artichokes, lettuce, spinach, kale, peppers, kiwis, and many types of
berries, as they are easily damaged and require careful hand-picking to
maintain quality; some specialty crops like saffron and vanilla also
often rely on manual harvesting
Post by Rudy Canoza
We need mechanics, machinists and manufacturing jobs.
The billionaire CEOs sent those jobs to China so they could get a big
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by Ed P
Nice to always talk about job creation, but we don't have enough
people to do everything needing doing.
We have plenty of people to do the work. The problem is they are too
damned lazy, stupid, stoned, or think they are too good to do it. The
only skills large city kids have exiting high school are snottiness,
ebike riding and smart phone operation. They can't even follow simple
directions to complete a job application without blanks or misspellings
using a smart phone. Ask one to do some simple math problems or count
change without using a damned smartphone. They can't do it.
There are 8.3 million working illegals. We have 6.9 million unemployed.
What is your plan to come up with the gap?