2025-01-26 17:02:09 UTC
PermalinkI posted in another thread about my philips DVDR3575H dvdr with
harddrive that stopped working 2 or 3 months ago. (I've had medical
problems since Dec 11, so I've not gotten much done. They are scheduled
to end or be permanent by March 11. I'm optimistic.)
But I did buy another identical dvdr from ebay for 180 dollars (they had
much cheaper, but the first one lasted me 15 years, and even though the
one I just bought is also already 15 years old, I still think it will
last 15 years. See, I'm optimistic.) And he was the only one who
showed a tv with a picture on it in his photos.
I put it in and it worked fine for 2 of the 3 tv's I'm using now, but
one 14" crt tv has much more static when text or commercials come on the
screen than it did before. That is another topic. Anyone have any
ideas? I'll post details if you do.
The topic here is what happened when I took apart the broken one. Since
it was totally dead, I expected to find a problem with the power supply.
I didnt' see anything burned out, and before I got out my meter, I
looked around and in the middle of another board, iirc the tuner board,
I found a little switch that looks like the middle ones in the back row
Loading Image...%3Fset_id%3D8800005007&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F402506084854&docid=lTwHaPMd2PG4uM&tbnid=IkOz4CNcM5iAZM&vet=12ahUKEwiUzL-g8JKLAxUckokEHQRPGacQM3oECGUQAA..i&w=1600&h=1600&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiUzL-g8JKLAxUckokEHQRPGacQM3oECGUQAA
The little black sticks sticking up in the middle are made of plastic or
rubber, so like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland, I
pushed it down. And the DVDR started working again!!!
How come they don't mention this in the owners manual for my model, and
I found a service manual for a similar DVDR that doesn't say a word
about it either. The switch is labeled Reset
I can post the urls for the manuals if you want.
I haven't connected the output yet because I'd have to connect a RF
modulator, but it shows On, Play, Rewind, none of which it did before.
I'm 95% convinced it works as good as before. Unless it fails again?
Likely? Why do they have this button if they're going to keep it
Have you ever heard of a button like this before?