CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water Heaters Is California's war on gas supposed to crush the state ---because it will?
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Trump was Right
2024-12-31 04:06:57 UTC
Aren't democrats supposed to be the party of democracy?
They look more like fascists to me.
Pray that this dictator never becomes President of the United States.
'CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water
Heaters Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because
it will?'
'What has very clearly become an “us versus them” issue, an issue near
and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water
heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas
blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or
vehicle you can think of.
Who is “they” besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the
California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters,
water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air
Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I
reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban
Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain
Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National
Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical
research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many
Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship.
They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails,
when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to
walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t
care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today
about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the
region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units
will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please
share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your
electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will
need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and
wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on
your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take
the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I do” ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and
member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family
residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The
goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and
1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces
and water heaters with costly new “zero-emission” electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,” but
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already
stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose
housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for
every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and
furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such
extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other
states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to
install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing
unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a
substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before.
But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new
electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s
another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can
find out what is in it.”
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to
build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim
of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as
Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to
building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality
improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy
challenges,” Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom
took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline
new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he
would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new
housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the
then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,” the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around
14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number
of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024,
totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 –
2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not
fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housing” – even though he
can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost
to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and
cumbersome regulations and requirements  like requiring all new electric
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and
legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s
clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important
to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers  by
people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming
you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his
appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air
Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the
State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal
Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization  behind
all of it
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.

California Democrats are stupid.
Siri Cruise
2024-12-31 05:53:03 UTC
Post by Trump was Right
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.
California Democrats are stupid.
Californians vote for this. Nearly everyone can vote and speak up.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-12-31 13:15:27 UTC
Post by Trump was Right
Aren't democrats supposed to be the party of democracy?
They look more like fascists to me.
Pray that this dictator never becomes President of the United States.
'CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water
Heaters Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because
it will?'
'What has very clearly become an “us versus them” issue, an issue near
and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water
heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas
blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or
vehicle you can think of.
Who is “they” besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the
California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters,
water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air
Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I
reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban
Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain
Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National
Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical
research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many
Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship.
They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails,
when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to
walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t
care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today
about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the
region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units
will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please
share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your
electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will
need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and
wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on
your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take
the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I do” ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and
member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family
residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The
goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and
1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces
and water heaters with costly new “zero-emission” electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,” but
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already
stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose
housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for
every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and
furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such
extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other
states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to
install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing
unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a
substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before.
But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new
electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s
another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can
find out what is in it.”
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to
build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim
of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as
Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to
building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality
improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy
challenges,” Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom
took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline
new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he
would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new
housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the
then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,” the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around
14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number
of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024,
totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 –
2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not
fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housing” – even though he
can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost
to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and
cumbersome regulations and requirements… like requiring all new electric
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and
legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s
clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important
to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers… by
people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming
you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his
appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air
Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the
State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal
Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization… behind
all of it
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.
California Democrats are stupid.
Same in NYS with governor Kathy Hochul.
She's Newsom in heels.

"Give a man a fish and you turn him into a Democrat for life"
"Teach a man to fish and he might become a self-sufficient conservative Republican"
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,"
--- Barack H. Obama
Siri Cruise
2024-12-31 14:09:20 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Trump was Right
Aren't democrats supposed to be the party of democracy?
They look more like fascists to me.
Pray that this dictator never becomes President of the United States.
'CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water
Heaters Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because
it will?'
'What has very clearly become an “us versus them” issue, an issue near
and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water
heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas
blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or
vehicle you can think of.
Who is “they” besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the
California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters,
water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air
Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I
reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban
Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain
Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National
Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical
research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many
Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship.
They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails,
when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to
walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t
care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today
about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the
region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units
will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please
share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your
electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will
need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and
wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on
your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take
the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I do” ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and
member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family
residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The
goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and
1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces
and water heaters with costly new “zero-emission” electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,” but
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already
stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose
housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for
every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and
furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such
extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other
states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to
install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing
unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a
substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before.
But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new
electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s
another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can
find out what is in it.”
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to
build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim
of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as
Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to
building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality
improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy
challenges,” Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom
took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline
new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he
would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new
housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the
then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,” the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around
14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number
of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024,
totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 –
2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not
fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housing” – even though he
can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost
to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and
cumbersome regulations and requirements… like requiring all new electric
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and
legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s
clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important
to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers… by
people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming
you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his
appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air
Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the
State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal
Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization… behind
all of it
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.
California Democrats are stupid.
Same in NYS with governor Kathy Hochul.
She's Newsom in heels.
Reagan started this. Blame him.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2025-01-01 17:32:22 UTC
On Tue, 31 Dec 2024 06:09:20 -0800, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Post by Trump was Right
Aren't democrats supposed to be the party of democracy?
They look more like fascists to me.
Pray that this dictator never becomes President of the United States.
'CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water
Heaters Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because
it will?'
'What has very clearly become an “us versus themâ€? issue, an issue near
and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water
heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas
blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or
vehicle you can think of.
Who is “theyâ€? besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the
California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters,
water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air
Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I
reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban
Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain
Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National
Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical
research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many
Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship.
They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails,
when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to
walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t
care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today
about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the
region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units
will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please
share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your
electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will
need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and
wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on
your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take
the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I doâ€? ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and
member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family
residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The
goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and
1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces
and water heaters with costly new “zero-emissionâ€? electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,â€? but
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already
stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose
housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for
every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and
furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such
extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other
states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to
install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing
unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a
substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before.
But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new
electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s
another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can
find out what is in it.�
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to
build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim
of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as
Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to
building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality
improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy
challenges,� Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom
took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline
new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he
would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new
housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the
then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,� the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around
14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number
of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024,
totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 –
2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not
fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housingâ€? – even though he
can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost
to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and
cumbersome regulations and requirements… like requiring all new electric
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and
legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s
clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important
to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers… by
people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming
you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his
appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air
Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the
State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal
Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization… behind
all of it
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.
California Democrats are stupid.
Same in NYS with governor Kathy Hochul.
She's Newsom in heels.
Reagan started this. Blame him.
Oh? Do explain how he did this.
2025-01-02 12:21:47 UTC
Post by NoBody
On Tue, 31 Dec 2024 06:09:20 -0800, Siri Cruise
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Post by Trump was Right
Aren't democrats supposed to be the party of democracy?
They look more like fascists to me.
Pray that this dictator never becomes President of the United States.
'CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water
Heaters Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because
it will?'
'What has very clearly become an “us versus themâ€? issue, an issue near
and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water
heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas
blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or
vehicle you can think of.
Who is “theyâ€? besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the
California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters,
water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air
Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I
reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban
Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain
Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National
Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical
research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many
Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship.
They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails,
when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to
walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t
care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today
about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the
region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units
will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please
share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your
electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will
need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and
wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on
your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take
the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I doâ€? ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and
member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family
residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The
goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and
1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces
and water heaters with costly new “zero-emissionâ€? electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,â€? but
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already
stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose
housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for
every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and
furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such
extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other
states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to
install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing
unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a
substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before.
But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new
electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s
another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can
find out what is in it.�
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to
build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim
of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as
Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to
building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality
improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy
challenges,� Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom
took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline
new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he
would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new
housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the
then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,� the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around
14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number
of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024,
totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 –
2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not
fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housingâ€? – even though he
can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost
to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and
cumbersome regulations and requirements… like requiring all new electric
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and
legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s
clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important
to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers… by
people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming
you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his
appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air
Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the
State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal
Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization… behind
all of it
Remember, California Democrats voted for this.
California Democrats are stupid.
Same in NYS with governor Kathy Hochul.
She's Newsom in heels.
Reagan started this. Blame him.
Oh? Do explain how he did this.
